Benjamin is a long-time business executive and cited as an Internet pioneer. He co-founded Redcatco in 2007 as a specialist communications technology house. Benjamin combines an engineering background, practically applied psychology and more than ten years of marketing and management experience to transform how businesses communicate with and about technology. He is a prolific writer, blogger, photographer and a professional speaker. He has written hundreds of articles and contributed to a number of books, as well as appearing on radio and television, and is cited in academic course texts around the world.
Benjamin writes about communication, technology and productivity, in the context of how humans and technology interact.
Benjamin first worked in start ups in the computing industry in the 80’s, before being acquired into Cisco Systems in the 90’s. As the global Internet technologies advocate, he championed the use of Internet and Intranet technologies in business and government. Later he worked as part of an executive team that raised $35 million in VC funding and lead the way in the provisioning of broadband services. He continued working in the broadband and Internet domain at Juniper Networks, where he lead product marketing, before taking responsibility for strategic marketing. He holds advisory roles in a number of businesses and is active in the Institute of Directors and Toastmasters International, as well as the academic arena, in research and lecturing.
His blog lives here, and you can have the latest posts delivered to your inbox (via email), or follow it via the RSS feed.
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