The Big Yak – Unconference for the Conferenced

Early on Saturday I found myself at PayPal’s London offices, gathered with over 150 internal comms folks from around the UK (and beyond). It was a fitting venue, as it was home to the first Tweetcamp, where I also had the privilege of facilitating a very dynamic series of conversations.  The IC Crowd  pulled together an amazing event – […]

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Business Reimagined – Public and private approaches to change

The latest in Microsoft’s Business Reimagined series of events looked at change across the public and private sectors, at The Hub Westminster. Although they are very different worlds, I’ve always found that they have much to learn from each other – often we don’t really understand our own environment until we have looked at it […]

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Business to Business Marketing – The b2bhuddle Event

This is from a  Storify created via an iPad (if you haven’t used Storify before, do check it out – it’s a great way to curate content from across social platforms). I’ve used it to pick out some key tweets from the May 2013 b2bhuddle Event. It was the 6th B2B Social Media Huddle, hosted at Oracle’s building in […]

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Goodbye Posterous

Today is Posterous’s last day. Posterous started in July 2008 and was a great and easy way to share  short-form blog content, and it rapidly became popular. In fact so popular that Twitter acquired it last year. This was clearly a technology and talent acquisition rather than a platform one, and so a little while ago the […]

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Unbreaking The Workplace

Business Books

Last week’s APA “Healthy Workplace Awards” should have been a celebration of all that is good in the work place, and they were. Congratulations to APA’s 2013 Psychologically Healthy Workplace Award Winners. Employee engagement matters, study after study has shown that it is one of the most significant factors in a business’s success. The winners represent […]

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Writing Good Web Copy

Want to write better web copy? I’ve got back to some fairly heavy-duty blogging recently, just as Google retire Google Reader. The trip inspired me to add a some suggestions for web writing: Whose words are these? Remember how you use Google to search for ‘stuff’: people do not search for adjectives / adverbs, they search […]

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Nokia – Time to Switch?

The business phone is evolving from something that just handles phones calls, through the main place that people interact with emails, to the central business hub for web-based business apps. It has been, and will be, a long journey. Most businesses are really only just getting their mobile strategies in step with the world of smart […]

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Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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