The Blog / Benjamin

Geeknrolla – Start Ups Marketing and Money

In some senses, this post is a part II to raising finance for your business. Tuesday’s TechCrunch Geek n Rolla event brought together business start up hopefuls and experienced old hands from around Europe. The passion and enthusiasm of TechCrunch’s Mike Butcher in supporting the European start up scene is a joy to see. The scene […]

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Financing Your Business in a Credit Crunch

It’s a big week in London this week, and it’s not just me saying that, it’s a quote from TechCrunch’s Mike Butcher. Yesterday was SeedCamp, today is Geek’n’Rolla and last night I chaired the Mobile Monday London session on “Financing Your Mobile Business in a Credit Crunch.” Raising Finance Raising finance is an almost inevitable part of running any business, […]

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Dominos Pizza – Why Everyone is in PR Now and Employee Engagement Matters

I wouldn’t normally blog about a Pizza chain, but this week Dominos have turned themselves into an example of why businesses need to get to grips with social media, and why employee engagement really matters. The best place to start, if you’ve missed the story so far, is with the blog post on The Consumerist […]

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Three Reasons Free Will Eat Itself

It’s the meme that wouldn’t die, but die it should… Last week I attended the Chinwag Live ‘Freeconomics’ session in London, and not long before that I listened to Guy Kawasaki interviewing Chris Anderson at South by South West. While Chris dodged Guy’s low-ball questions out at SXSWi, and focussed on promoting his new book (which may […]

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On-line Trust, More than Liking

This post might be a little heavy going, but the topics are important in understanding how we can be (and are) manipulated, and how businesses can (and should) go about building trust in an on-line, social media driven world. Last week I attended the Wealth of Networks conference, looking at the challenges of Next Generation […]

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The Broadcast Anomaly

South by South West Interteractive was even more of a whirlwind than I imagined it would be, and I had imagined it being frenetic. The event brings together people from the film, music and digital interactive spaces, which provides a rich context in which to talk about the future of marketing. In between the Digital […]

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Creating Valuable Artefacts

Artefacts – things left behind by ancient civilisations. Tangible items that remain, things that you can see and hold, that give a sense of history. “Create valuable artefacts.” I’m not sure where the phrase originated, but it is one that has stuck with me for many years. It might have come from a conversation with a developer, in talking […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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