E-mail 2.0

How are we doing with email? How did we do without it? Or would we be better off without it. A number of things have put e-mail at the top of the discussion list in recent weeks, from blogs to national TV. The BBC’s Money programme covered the topic last friday (March the 7th – […]

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It’s the Conversation – Isn’t It?

Some of what I say here may not be new to followers of the clue train manifesto. If you haven’t come across it and are interested in marketing or where the web is going, it is worth a read. Websites are a one-way conversation. They give you information, sometimes they even try to tell you […]

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7 Common E-mail Mistakes and How Not To Make Them

A heavy e-mail week has lead to this post! It is finally time to write up the most common e-mail mistakes, and how not to make them, with special thanks to Chris Butler and his post on e-mail etiquette, via Twitter. These are my own experiences, add your own to the comments. Not putting a […]

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Preparing to Present – A Check List for Presenting at a Conference or Large Event

Some things are too scary to plan for. No, not life insurance, public speaking. Presenting at an event or a conferences is intimidating, even for a frequent speaker. Covering your eyes and hoping it will all be OK obviously isn’t the answer, so what to do?

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Little Pixels in Communication – Are your pauses clear?

A broken car journey, a neglected book and a bit of discourse analysis all came together this week. Perhaps I can open your eyes to the importance of some rather special tiny pixels.

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Larry Lessig – Copyright and Great Presenting

I’m a regular follower of TED, watching as many of the TED talks as my Mac can take. The talks range from inspirational to informative, and sometimes they are both. Larry Lessig’s recently posted TED talk is fascinating, both for its content and for the way that he uses slides in his presentation. It was […]

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Twitter – Trick or Tweet?

OK, it is well past Halloween, but I’ve only just really started to get to grips with Twitter. Writing about Twitter is fairly binary, either it is going to be old news to you or you will be going ‘what is Twitter?’. If you’ve heard of it, you will either be loving it or hating […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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