Social Media in Business in London

On October the 23rd I’ll be at The Strand Palace Hotel in London, talking about crowd sourcing with social media. Edelman, iPadio, chinwag and a host of folks are sponsoring what promises to be a very packed day – full details are here. The event description best explains why I’m excited about Friday: The conference […]

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Trends of the 21st Century

This post was inspired by a paper by Jonathan MacDonald (of fluid world / JMA) “The first 6 Macro Trends of the 21st Century” – it’s a reasonably straight forward read. It set me off pondering a different track. What do the six trends he lists mean for business, and business-to-business marketing, IT and communication? 1. Corporate […]

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Broadband Maslow and the Hierarchy of Human Needs

The BBC ran an interesting piece, based on an OFCOM survey, or rather OFCOM’s annual Communications Market Report. It features some rather ‘startling’ findings about us Brits and our use of broadband. “Britons are more willing to cut back on holidays and meals out than on spending on communication technology during the recession… … spending on mobiles, […]

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Tweetcamp London – Beyond 140 Characters

The recent Tweetcamp event was organised by Farhan Rehman (@farhan), Dees Chinniah (@cyberdees), and Jon Bishop (@jonin60seconds), I just ran around with a microphone on the day, and chatted with Farhan before hand!  It was far from being another BarCamp. While  many familiar faces from the social media space came along, it also reached people who […]

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Social Media Inside

Last week’s workshop on using social media for internal communications at Melcrum was a packed house and a packed agenda. As intranets become less effective, and distributed working arrangements challenge traditional lines of communication, interest in social media is on the rise. Here are three examples of what people have been doing: The JetBlue University, […]

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Twitter to Replace the Phone?

Who needs telephones? We’ve got Twitter! Phone calls are all good and well, but by the time you’ve looked up the number, dialled it, listened to the ring tone and got through to the person you are trying to reach – or left the inevitable recorded message – you could have made a cup of coffee […]

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Beyond Social Media Strategy

After being caught calling myself a social media expert during the BBC Radio 5 Live Pods and Blogs program this morning, I’d better explain what I’ve been up to. Having stumbled into digital communication in the 80’s, I was always captivated by the ability of technology to change things. In the 90’s I was able to […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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