10 Things Not To Do In Business PowerPoint Presentation

I haven’t mentioned PowerPoint or presenting in a while, potentially because I am increasingly speaking without the use of slides these days. However, a recent trade show visit put it firmly back on my radar, as I took to the stage and also caught some other speakers. Needless to say, the trip spawned a top […]

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Larry Lessig – Copyright and Great Presenting

I’m a regular follower of TED, watching as many of the TED talks as my Mac can take. The talks range from inspirational to informative, and sometimes they are both. Larry Lessig’s recently posted TED talk is fascinating, both for its content and for the way that he uses slides in his presentation. It was […]

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You’re Having a Laugh Aren’t You?

I recently spent an action packed, laughter-filled weekend with Jack Milner, on his stand-up comedy course. The course was held at Diorama Arts in London, pictured here. Even the trees outside it are comic. Yes, they are 20 foot off of the ground! I’m always looking to push my presentation and speaking skills, and Jack […]

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Are you a Hoarder?

Some of us are born hoarders, we keep hold of everything. As I grew up I was indoctrinated into the philosophy of “keep that, you never know when it might come in handy.” As I got older, and the house became ever more crowded, I realized that keeping everything you might ever need again is […]

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Remembering to Plan Ahead

Isn’t it amazing the return we can get on our time? Well, sometimes it is. I was at the virtual worlds forum hosted SXSWi event last night. It was an interesting insight into a different world, quite literally. If you want to get a feel for what Virtual World technology can do, then check out […]

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A Presentation Lesson From Al Gore

You may remember that I am a big TED fan (not the cuddly animal – the amazing conference). Digging thought the archives recently, I rediscovered this gem from Al Gore. He has become a powerful communicator and this is a fine example. Here are some key things that he does, that you can do too:

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10 Tips for better Powerpoint

As promised, here are 10 PowerPoint tips: If you can put it on two slides, rather than one, then do. Most people put far to much information on a single slide. If you need notes, put them in the notes section. That is what it is for. You can then print and use the notes. […]

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