Thinking Digital 2011

Benjamin and Sam

Two CEOs, three days, 8 hours of train journey and one Thinking Digital 2010. Talking technology, ideas and the future in Newcastle. I’ve been wanting to go to Thinking Digital for a number of years, and this year I finally made it, joining long-time Thinking Digital attendee Sam Michel (CEO of Chinwag, who were also one of […]

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Put it in the Diary

Things have been frenetically busy with projects and event-related travel, with longer form writing taking a bit of a back seat, given the amount of coding and blog set up going on around the office as well. That hasn’t stopped the tweeting of course! WordPress training activity has also stepped up a notch, with more demand […]

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Social Media Week London

Roll up roll up, it is Social Media Week. Obviously every week is social media week these days, but this is an extra special series of events all around the world. First of all, by way of full disclosure, I am on the advisory board for the London Events, which might make me even more […]

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Tweetcamp London – Beyond 140 Characters

The recent Tweetcamp event was organised by Farhan Rehman (@farhan), Dees Chinniah (@cyberdees), and Jon Bishop (@jonin60seconds), I just ran around with a microphone on the day, and chatted with Farhan before hand!  It was far from being another BarCamp. While  many familiar faces from the social media space came along, it also reached people who […]

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On a (Digital) Mission to New York

  This post has taken nearly 4,000 miles to write. I started writing in my office, then wrote more sitting at Heathrow airport, having packed my things and said my goodbyes. Finally I finished writing at 30,000 feet above sea level, then posted this when I arrived in New York. Quite a journey for one post. I’ll […]

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Living in the Cloud – Computing

This is a long overdue post, following on from CloudCamp London, which was the second ever CloudCamp, and the first in the UK. It’s been a couple of week’s of firsts, what with WordCamp as well.

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WordCampUK 2008

I use both commercial and open source software. Choosing the best tool for the job is the priority. However, one thing that I do really appreciate with open source is the communities that operate around each platform. For the first time in the UK, the WordPress community is gathering. WordCamp UK will be held from Saturday July […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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