The Participation Pyramid

One of the most often cited statistics, when it comes to conversations about the percentage of people who contribute content versus people consuming it, is the 90-10-1 rule. You can read the original post from Jakob Nielsen’s blog, or there is a shorter summary on wikipatterns. It is usually mentioned in the same breath as […]

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Business to Business Social Media – DellB2B Huddle

Photo with thanks to Mel Carson of Microsoft Advertising At Dell’s second Business to business social media event, Neville Hobson gave a great overview of the current status quo in social media. My synopsis: Social media is about relationships. Word of mouth has an increasing impact on purchasing behaviour, and social media accelerates word of […]

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People to People – Like Minds

I’m literally just back from the Like Minds conference in Exeter. I say I’m back, but between the ongoing conversations on Twitter and the comment exchanges on the flickr photos it does feel a little like I am still there. The event was an excellent opportunity to transfer the on-line conversations about business culture, technology trends […]

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The Social Media Business Case?

Yesterday I joined Steve Lamb, Neville Hobson and a host of speakers at Dell’s B2B Social Media Huddle event. It’s always a bit nerve wracking taking to the stage after Neville and Steve, but good for getting the mental juices going – this time about making the business case for social media. Business cases discussions seem […]

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Culture or Technology in Business 2.0

One of the unusual things about social media in the business context is the dramatic way it impacts on business culture. Dennis Howlett wrote a long and interesting piece on his Zdnet blog about the Enterprsie 2.0 debate, or lack thereof. It is one that is intertwined with much of what I do, using blogs […]

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Trends of the 21st Century

This post was inspired by a paper by Jonathan MacDonald (of fluid world / JMA) “The first 6 Macro Trends of the 21st Century” – it’s a reasonably straight forward read. It set me off pondering a different track. What do the six trends he lists mean for business, and business-to-business marketing, IT and communication? 1. Corporate […]

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Set our Data Free and Create a (Digital) Economy

It has taken me a couple of days to write this post, because my brain is still crunching on its contents. It touches on so many different areas of the technology and business areas that I am passionate about, that I’ve had to give up covering them all in one post. The historic destiny of […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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