Business to Business Marketing – The b2bhuddle Event

This is from a  Storify created via an iPad (if you haven’t used Storify before, do check it out – it’s a great way to curate content from across social platforms). I’ve used it to pick out some key tweets from the May 2013 b2bhuddle Event. It was the 6th B2B Social Media Huddle, hosted at Oracle’s building in […]

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Facebook Pages – can business learn from musicians?

I’ve been thinking about this recently as I’ve found myself in a new musical collaboration and have set up a Facebook page as our first port of call. I’m slightly potty about music, especially new music, so I follow a fair few myself, Facebook pages that is, and I know what works for me. What […]

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Social Media and the Growing Business

Recently I had the pleasure of joining a round table discussion on the future of Social Media for Small and Medium Business, hosted by Dell and chaired by Neville Hobson – you can read the post on his blog too. It was a Google hangout, with Shel Holtz, Kerry Bridge (Social Media Manager), Lionel Menchaca (Dell’s chief […]

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An Award Winning Performance

Digital Impact Award for redcato theblueballroom and DHL

Almost everyone loves a bit of celebration and recognition, so last night was a very special one for us, as theblueballroom and redcatco received this years Digital Impact Award for ‘Best digital employee communication’ based on our work with DHL. It was an incredibly exciting project to work on, taking advantage of the properties of social media […]

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Is Ghost Blogging Ethical?

This is part 1 of 4 in a series of posts inspired by Steve Farnsworth. I was nudged to join in by Steve Lamb (his post is up already), and so here I am, blogging about the ethics and issues of Ghost Blogging. Before we go any further, I would like to point out that I […]

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The Games We Play – Beyond Facebook

I first watched this video a while ago, but it seems to be becoming more poignant. Carnegie Mellon University Professor, Jesse Schell of Schell Games dives into a world of game development that is emerging from the “Facebook Games” era. If it’s an area you are interested in, then I recommend reading The Art of […]

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Business to Business Social Media – DellB2B Huddle

Photo with thanks to Mel Carson of Microsoft Advertising At Dell’s second Business to business social media event, Neville Hobson gave a great overview of the current status quo in social media. My synopsis: Social media is about relationships. Word of mouth has an increasing impact on purchasing behaviour, and social media accelerates word of […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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