Don’t go out with beautiful ideas

A good idea is just a thought, but thoughts grow. Be aware that new ideas turn into beliefs. Beliefs turn into behaviors. Over time, behaviors turn into habits, and habits define our character. Watch those ideas! Our natural tendency We willingly take on attractive ideas, often without questioning them. They just look good, don’t they? […]

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Understanding the reality of the situation – Part II

(Continued from Part I) Where were we? Ah, yes! Understanding the reality of the situation. There are so many different challenges raised by this, I feel that I am only at the beginning. However, just one more post, then back to thoughts around to do lists, with some exciting breakthroughs on ThinkingRock. I think the […]

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Do something different, for a change!

I’m reflecting back on this week and on this year, being another year older. What have I learnt? My big take away for the moment is this: A change of context is the quickest way to change your thinking. Do you remember me loosing my car recently (shaken, not stirred)? I had a different replacement […]

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A Little Bit of Philosophy Makes You Smart – Apparently

I was fascinated by a news article from the BBC last week (Nursery pupils taught philosophy), about a recent initiative to teach philosophy to primary school children. The research has been going on for a while, but has just been published. There is a fuller story with more colour to it in the Educational Guardian […]

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Ready. Aim. Focus. What’s the point?

What is the value of focus? Why have a mission? Should you set goals for yourself? I’ll warn you now, I  this is a long one, but you’ll get something good out of it I am sure! In the beginning At the start of my career I was trained as a teacher, a domain where […]

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Shaken, not stirred! First things first…

Well, it is obviously one of those months! I was involved in a fairly serious crash this week. Two days later, I revisited the scene of the accident and realised that I came within 20 feet of death, or at least certain major injuries. As it happens I did get away with no major injuries, […]

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Letting Go

I wrote on Christmas eve about “One Ends Another One Begins” – about somethings ending so that you can start others. That is the decision point. The crunch comes when the decision becomes an action. Decisions don’t really impact the world until they are actions. Faith without works is dead – why? Because you don’t […]

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