Too Much Choice – Too Little Happiness

These Things Come in Threes Three things in two days. First, I loose contact with my phone. Second, my MacBook Pro dies. Then, in a third and final twist, traffic on the blog increased by 2000% (yes, two thousand) and I get locked out of WordPress. Coincidence? Of course. I got a free lesson in […]

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Twitter – Trick or Tweet?

OK, it is well past Halloween, but I’ve only just really started to get to grips with Twitter. Writing about Twitter is fairly binary, either it is going to be old news to you or you will be going ‘what is Twitter?’. If you’ve heard of it, you will either be loving it or hating […]

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Ways of Keeping a Record

…Seth Godin suggests a novel way of keeping a diary: Use a private (or internal) blog! Regular readers will remember that I think diaries are a great way to plan ahead. Using a blog is a novel idea, but there are various tools that can be used…

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Are you a Hoarder?

Some of us are born hoarders, we keep hold of everything. As I grew up I was indoctrinated into the philosophy of “keep that, you never know when it might come in handy.” As I got older, and the house became ever more crowded, I realized that keeping everything you might ever need again is […]

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Remembering to Plan Ahead

Isn’t it amazing the return we can get on our time? Well, sometimes it is. I was at the virtual worlds forum hosted SXSWi event last night. It was an interesting insight into a different world, quite literally. If you want to get a feel for what Virtual World technology can do, then check out […]

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Being Productive and Protecting the Environment with Economy of Force

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Why Don’t You See What You Can Do in an Hour?

Here’s a productivity tip for you, especially if you are suffering from procrastination. It involves a little attitude shift and a mind trick, but it can be very effective. How often do you have a task that seems insurmountable or indigestible? Do you find that you just can’t get started on it? There is a […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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