Happenstance and productivity

I’ve been tussling with the issue of happenstance recently. Let me explain. Happenstance has become, for me, a word to describe the happy accidents that are a valuable and pleasurable part of making unexpected progress. Happenings that came from coincidence, rather than from planning. The random circumstances where things ‘just work out’. I think you […]

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Freud on Friday

Sorry, it is too tempting to resist! A little bit of Freud for you. The man has been out of fashion of late, rarely taught on Psychology courses and even the phrase ‘Freudian slip’ isn’t heard much anymore. Whilst most of his theories have been discounted, some of it is coming back into style – […]

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Tuttle and The Future of Work

Lloyd Davis organised an excellent Tuttle Breakfast at at OneAlfredPlace (which I would recommend looking into, if you are after membership of an executive London Club). The theme was the future of work, and social media’s place in that future. Lloyd reminded us that our careers won’t be like our parents, or even like those […]

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The Exploding Digital Universe

Some light entertainment came my way over the weekend, although the fact that I class it as light entertainment reminds me that I should get out more…. I got to read the EMC sponsored update to IDC’s “The Diverse and Exploding Digital Universe” – a report on digital information.

The digital universe was apparently 2.25 x 1021bits (281 exabytes or 281 billion gigabytes) last year, with faster that predicted growth due to digital cameras and digital TVs. That is mind-bogglingly huge…

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Speed Reading – An Essential Survival Skill for the Knowledge Worker

One of the key skills for knowledge workers is good, if not superb, reading speed. Even though print media is in decline, we  have more, rather than less to get through. E-mails, wiki pages, white papers and documents all scream ‘read me’. Yet there is a great deal of misinformation about speed reading around. Many […]

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As a Matter of Fact, That is a Matter of Opinion – Tune Up Your Thinking

What I am about to tell you might sound blindingly obvious, but for those who grasp it, it revolutionises their thinking. There are many more who have not grasped it at all. It will save you time, improve decision making and make arguments more constructive. There are two major classes of information we deal with […]

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How to Deal With Being Overwhelmed at Work 2

WOWNDADI is on top of the world. Well, Alltop specifically, sitting on the alltop lifehacks page, together with some familiar names. Not everyone is feeling on top of the world though. Apparently the UK has a crisis of management, with a lack of people with the skills to motivate and manage staff. It probably isn’t […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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