Digital Mission – SXSWi Here We Come

Digital Mission, Round 5, starts this week. That means I’m off to join over 17,000 of the world’s Interactive/Digital industry folks at SXSW for Digital Mission to SXSWi ’10, together with 40 of the UKs hottest Digital Media businesses. Sam, CEO of founders/organisers Chinwag explains more: The group includes around 90 people, and there will be […]

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7 and a Half Tips for Getting a Great Night’s Sleep in a Hotel Room

It has been a week of travel and being off-line. Early starts, planes, trains and automobiles I can live with. The inevitable challenges of getting a good night’s sleep in a hotel is the killer. What is it with hotels? A large number of people, no sense of communal responsibility and a 24/7 operating environment, […]

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