Caught by CauseWired

Hang on to the furniture, this post is going to be a bit of a ride. I’m holding Tom Watson and his CauseWired book responsible. I normally read a book very quickly, I’m almost legendary for my tree digesting abilities. I read. I mark with scraps of paper. I digest, note and move on.

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iPod to Go – The iPod as a GTD capture device

My personal mission to increase productivity, by decreasing the number of gadgets I use, took a sideways step recently. Since I started listening to podcasts, lectures and audio books, my iPod nano has become a fairly central part of my life. Now my new companion has even started listening to me, resulting in an even […]

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Don’t judge a book by the cover – Jesus, Life Coach

I enjoyed reading Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership, which lead me to get Jesus, Life Coach: Learn from the Best by Laurie Beth Jones. I was somewhat disappointed, as the user surveys say. Perhaps my challenge was around the expectations I had, but I did get some useful thoughts out of it. […]

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43Things – Progress or Procrastination?

I’ve been asked what I thought of 43 Things. Since I used it for over a year it seemed good sense to write an account of how it helps with working out what needs doing and doing it. Just in case you were wondering why it is called 43 Things… That is because 43 is […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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