Upgrading to WordPress 3.3.2

We’ve just upgraded all of our WordPress blogs to WordPress 3.3.2,. Assuming you’ve kept up to date, the upgrade is very minor . The changes between 3.3, 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 are predominantly security related, and shouldn’t cause any issues with themes or plugins. To be clear, there aren’t any major security issues to be concerned […]

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WordPress 3.2 Intranets Internet Explorer and The Web

Internet Explorer 6 Countdown

WordPress 3.2 has been with us for a little while now – WordPress 3.3 is just around the corner (targeting the end of November as of this post), but in the Intranet world it’s been a longer journey than usual. WordPress 3.2 dropped support for Internet Explorer 6, and WordPress 3.3 will most likely drop support […]

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A More Open Cloud

News is out today that Rackspace and 22 other organisations are collaborating to develop an open-source cloud community, focusing on creating a set of interoperable standards for cloud computing. Until now, each cloud vendor has had a relatively proprietary system, and moving between cloud providers has been problematic, if not nearly impossible. OpenStack, as they […]

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A Year in Business – Orange Business Live

Amsterdam is a handy place for Orange Business Services to have an event – not so much because it’s one of the most connected hubs in Europe, but because the place is swathed in orange! It feels like they have branded the entire city. Location aside, it has been a timely moment to reflect on […]

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Gordon Brown Announces “Second Generation” Government

Well, he didn’t say Gov 2.0, but he may as well have done. This morning UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a sweeping set of changes to the way that technology is used in government. In a speech on Building Britain’s Digital Future, he was talking about digital technology’s role in a plan to secure recovery, growth […]

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Open Data Opens Up Gov

Today sees the launch of data.gov.uk. Over the last few months I’ve had some privileged peaks behind the scenes, and I’m very excited to see it all now live. The front paragraphs on the site put it well: Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for […]

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Set our Data Free and Create a (Digital) Economy

It has taken me a couple of days to write this post, because my brain is still crunching on its contents. It touches on so many different areas of the technology and business areas that I am passionate about, that I’ve had to give up covering them all in one post. The historic destiny of […]

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