Shaken, not stirred! First things first…
Well, it is obviously one of those months! I was involved in a fairly serious crash this week. Two days later, I revisited the scene of the accident and realised that I came within 20 feet of death, or at least certain major injuries. As it happens I did get away with no major injuries, for which I am very thankful. I also have no form of transport!
The incident brought home that excellent, if often used, coaching question: “If you had six healthy months left to live, what would you do?”. I know that very few people end up in that situation, but it is a useful question to frame how you spend time. If there isn’t a tomorrow, the importance of putting First Things First, as Covey would have it, jumps right out at you.
When you are working out what needs doing, put the big important things at the top of the list, then do them first! It stands to reason that if you do them first, you are significantly less likely to run out of time in which to do them. More on that after the jump…