Nokia – Time to Switch?

The business phone is evolving from something that just handles phones calls, through the main place that people interact with emails, to the central business hub for web-based business apps. It has been, and will be, a long journey. Most businesses are really only just getting their mobile strategies in step with the world of smart […]

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Facebook Pages – can business learn from musicians?

I’ve been thinking about this recently as I’ve found myself in a new musical collaboration and have set up a Facebook page as our first port of call. I’m slightly potty about music, especially new music, so I follow a fair few myself, Facebook pages that is, and I know what works for me. What […]

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Building for Accessibility and Getting Ready for HTML 5

This weekend was the third WordCamp in the UK, with the good and the faithful from the UK WordPress community gathering in Manchester to share knowledge, tips and experiences. I spoke twice during the weekend. This post is on the second of the talks “Building for Accessibility and Getting Ready for HTML 5“. Do I […]

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Digital Mission – SXSWi Here We Come

Digital Mission, Round 5, starts this week. That means I’m off to join over 17,000 of the world’s Interactive/Digital industry folks at SXSW for Digital Mission to SXSWi ’10, together with 40 of the UKs hottest Digital Media businesses. Sam, CEO of founders/organisers Chinwag explains more: The group includes around 90 people, and there will be […]

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Auto Unfriend – The Business of Relationships

Social Networking sites and social technologies have made it easier to ‘acquire’ and ‘keep in touch’ with ‘friends’. I use the quote marks advisedly. Most social platforms are focused on these aspects of relationships, but that might not be the best game in town. This post is partially triggered by Euan Semple’s own post on […]

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BootStrapCamp – Starting From Nothing But a Community

August is meant to be a quiet month, but it definitely isn’t here – things are starting up left, right and centre. I like that. I’m generally a fan of starting things, especially starting them with minimal means. I know that might sound less than exciting, but my experience has been that creativity starts where […]

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The Social Media Expert – Wicked Problems And Failure

Twitter played host to a passionate discussion about social media experts earlier this week, kicked off by a blog post:  6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Brand Yourself as a Social Media Expert by Dan Schawbel, who describes himself as “the leading personal branding expert for Gen-Y” – reading the post I would say he’s wrong on […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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