The Blog / blogging

A Blogging Mirror

Now here’s a brilliant concept, via Ross Mason: A blogging mirror – you talk it blogs! Ross Mason’s twitter message caught my eye because I had been pondering the use of blogs as a mirror – a personal diary to reflect back on previous thoughts and opinions. A way of seeing yourself, or your organisation, with the perspective […]

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Why Blog?

This post has been lurking in my drafts folder for a while, but watching a video on openforum provided me with the stimulus to post it. Why Blog? The reasons for a personal and for a business blog are not all the dissimilar. A long ago I stated my reasons for blogging, and those haven’t […]

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You Can Predict the Future Too

I’ve talked about the way anyone can be lucky enough to predict the future. That breaks down at the individual level of a person or a company. So, barring the use of a time machine, how do you predict the future, or at least get an idea of what might happen? In short, there are […]

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Thoughts Post MediaCampLondon

  MediaCampLondon was a very organised unconference (and I mean that in a good way), kudos to Chris Hambly, Social Media Mafia,  and the rest of the team that enabled it to happen. A big thank you to SAE for providing a great venue. It was a little disconcerting for me, as over twenty years ago I […]

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It’s the Conversation – Isn’t It?

Some of what I say here may not be new to followers of the clue train manifesto. If you haven’t come across it and are interested in marketing or where the web is going, it is worth a read. Websites are a one-way conversation. They give you information, sometimes they even try to tell you […]

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Ways of Keeping a Record

…Seth Godin suggests a novel way of keeping a diary: Use a private (or internal) blog! Regular readers will remember that I think diaries are a great way to plan ahead. Using a blog is a novel idea, but there are various tools that can be used…

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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