The Blog / business

Communication – Becoming Fluid by Getting Uncomfortable

This TED talk has now had over 500,000 views on YouTube. I started writing this post 3 years ago. It’s sat in my drafts folder, simply because there are so many things to say about it. And I wanted to get it right. I wonder how many critical business breakthroughs have got stuck, and then […]

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Social Media Week London

Roll up roll up, it is Social Media Week. Obviously every week is social media week these days, but this is an extra special series of events all around the world. First of all, by way of full disclosure, I am on the advisory board for the London Events, which might make me even more […]

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The Social Media Business Case?

Yesterday I joined Steve Lamb, Neville Hobson and a host of speakers at Dell’s B2B Social Media Huddle event. It’s always a bit nerve wracking taking to the stage after Neville and Steve, but good for getting the mental juices going – this time about making the business case for social media. Business cases discussions seem […]

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Social Media in Business in London

On October the 23rd I’ll be at The Strand Palace Hotel in London, talking about crowd sourcing with social media. Edelman, iPadio, chinwag and a host of folks are sponsoring what promises to be a very packed day – full details are here. The event description best explains why I’m excited about Friday: The conference […]

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Twitter to Replace the Phone?

Who needs telephones? We’ve got Twitter! Phone calls are all good and well, but by the time you’ve looked up the number, dialled it, listened to the ring tone and got through to the person you are trying to reach – or left the inevitable recorded message – you could have made a cup of coffee […]

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The New Business of Business

In 20 years of working in industry I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly, as well as the amazingly brilliant when it comes to business operating models. I have worked in organisations that have practised new models, to different degrees. The results were some of the fastest growing, and most successful, businesses in history. […]

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Do Your Employees Dance?

Bees are viewed as hyper productive, industrious creatures, working away industriously. The bee hive is the very model of business, full of busy bees. But what do they teach us about business?

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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