The Blog / Enterprise 2.0

Culture or Technology in Business 2.0

One of the unusual things about social media in the business context is the dramatic way it impacts on business culture. Dennis Howlett wrote a long and interesting piece on his Zdnet blog about the Enterprsie 2.0 debate, or lack thereof. It is one that is intertwined with much of what I do, using blogs […]

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Tuttle and The Future of Work

Lloyd Davis organised an excellent Tuttle Breakfast at at OneAlfredPlace (which I would recommend looking into, if you are after membership of an executive London Club). The theme was the future of work, and social media’s place in that future. Lloyd reminded us that our careers won’t be like our parents, or even like those […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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