The Blog / government

Gordon Brown Announces “Second Generation” Government

Well, he didn’t say Gov 2.0, but he may as well have done. This morning UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a sweeping set of changes to the way that technology is used in government. In a speech on Building Britain’s Digital Future, he was talking about digital technology’s role in a plan to secure recovery, growth […]

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Open Data Opens Up Gov

Today sees the launch of Over the last few months I’ve had some privileged peaks behind the scenes, and I’m very excited to see it all now live. The front paragraphs on the site put it well: Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for […]

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Social Decision Making – Shirky JP and Democracy

This is the second post on Clay Shirky’s talk at LSE, looking at some of the same issues raised, but in the context of decision making and crowd sourced wisdom. I hinted at some of my thoughts in the previous post (Mass Collaboration Snow Joke), and JP has also blogged about it, based on Clay […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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