The Blog / internal comms

The Big Yak – Encore

A week ago today I was in the final moments of The Big Yak, 2014 edition, having had a day packed with discussion out internal communications in the business world. Created and organised with the kind of boundless energy that only the IC Crowd can provide (Rachel Miller, Jenni Wheller and Dana Leeson are great to work with) […]

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The Big Yak – Unconference for the Conferenced

Early on Saturday I found myself at PayPal’s London offices, gathered with over 150 internal comms folks from around the UK (and beyond). It was a fitting venue, as it was home to the first Tweetcamp, where I also had the privilege of facilitating a very dynamic series of conversations.  The IC Crowd  pulled together an amazing event – […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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