The Blog / Social Media

On-line Trust, More than Liking

This post might be a little heavy going, but the topics are important in understanding how we can be (and are) manipulated, and how businesses can (and should) go about building trust in an on-line, social media driven world. Last week I attended the Wealth of Networks conference, looking at the challenges of Next Generation […]

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Networks and Notworks

How about a taxonomy of social media platforms? In helping people understand the different social networking tools I’ve found it helpful to build a taxonomy of the components around social software. This is one way of viewing things, there are others that are equally valid, but for my purposes I was after something simple and functional. […]

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Dunbar’s Number – Groups, Language and Social Media

The Dunbar number regularly gets bandied around in social media circles, and for good reason. However, it is usually misunderstood. In today’s hyper-connected world, where technology lets us have hundreds (if not thousands) of ‘friends’, people are increasingly interested in understanding what the human limits on maintaining human friendships might be, and why. Real world relationships have […]

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Social Media – Do Conversations Scale?

I should start by explaining how I come at this problem space. By history I am a network guy. I spent most of the 90’s thinking about networks, breaking networks, building networks and alternating between creating the mess and clearing it up as the Internet grew. More recently I’ve buried myself in the human aspects of technology, leading […]

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Caught by CauseWired

Hang on to the furniture, this post is going to be a bit of a ride. I’m holding Tom Watson and his CauseWired book responsible. I normally read a book very quickly, I’m almost legendary for my tree digesting abilities. I read. I mark with scraps of paper. I digest, note and move on.

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Five Quid and a Crate of Beer – Starting the New New Business

I’ve been ‘doing’ startup technology businesses for over 20 years now. During that time lots of things have changed, and lots of things have stayed the same. It can get confusing as to which is which, so l took myself along to the SocialMedia Business School to catch up with current consensus thinking in the social media space. SocialMedia […]

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Is Broadcasting Something to Shout About?

What is happening to traditional broadcasters? Who are the new broadcasters? How should we use broadcast media? What is broadcast media becoming? How do companies communicate in the emerging broadcast world order? These were just some of the topics from the Rebecca Caroe/Creative Agency Secrets “Should Brands be Broadcasters?” event. It stimulated lots of thinking, and there […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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