The Blog / TBL

Future of The Web – Part II – The Future

A minutely belated followup to “Future of The Web – Part I – A History“, these are the rest of my thoughts on the NESTA “Future of the Web“ session. The videos of the event are here – you’ll need to be able to play Windows Media files. Unsurprisingly, there were some parallels with the previous session (see Tim […]

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Future of The Web – Part I – A History

Last night NESTA played host to Tim Berners-Lee, with a talk under the title “Future of the Web“, followed by a Q&A and panel discussion. I’ll come back to the talk, because I want to start somewhere else first: in the past. The history of the web may well provide the best insight into its […]

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Communicating Feelings on the Future of the Web

Two things in one here: A heads up on an event tomorrow (don’t worry, you can still catch it), and an interesting way to look at things. Tomorrow sees a talk from Sir Tim Berners-Lee (recently voted the most important technology innovator of the last century), focussing in on web science. It is an area I am fascinated by, […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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