August Top 10 and Review!
August is traditionally holiday season across the northern hemisphere. How was yours? I did sneak a break in, camera in hand, but other than that it was an active month. Glancing around the blogs, those interested in cloud computing might appreciate Nailing down the Cloud – A Definition for cloud computing (from BusinessTechFeed), which attracted a number of diggs – thank you. I am looking forward to the Next London CloudCamp event. Cloud computing and Saas remain controversial (see: SaaS – Dead Before it is Born?!), which adds to the interest. Most importantly, they are always a good excuse for a sunset picture!
OK, I’ve got that out of my system. The bass guitar blog continues to grow at a pace, providing amusement in the office (2 string bass anyone?) and I’m looking forward to time with the Digital Mission companies during the New York / Web 2.0 mission. I’ve already had the chance to meet up with the folks at Huddle and there are other familiar faces too. If you are there, drop me a tweet or an e-mail and let’s meet up. Tonight I’ll be at the Chinwag Live (Search vs Recommendation) event.
Back to things here on the WOWNDADI blog, the following posts piqued people’s interest this month:
PowerPoint and Presenting
- 10 Things Not To Do In Business PowerPoint
- 10 Tips for better Powerpoint
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pitcher
Productivity and Business
- Why Don’t You See What You Can Do in an hour
- How to Deal with Being Overwhelmed at Work
- Randomness, Virtualisation and Getting Things Done
With Do Your Employees Dance? getting a fair bit of external interest. Once again, I really appreciate your comments about and on the blog. Up next… How to write a speech (or make a presentation) in 5 minutes… Secrets from a hurried presenter!