The Blog / Benjamin

How to Write a Speech in 5 Minutes

Making a really great speech or presentation requires a great deal of preparation and practice. In an ideal world, you would always have time to plan, rehearse and perfect your words of wisdom. However, sometimes things don’t work out that way. Here is a simple process to enable you to prepare a speech (or presentation) in five minutes…

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August Top 10 and Review!

August is traditionally holiday season across the northern hemisphere. How was yours? I did sneak a break in, camera in hand, but other than that it was an active month. Glancing around the blogs, those interested in cloud computing might appreciate Nailing down the Cloud – A Definition for cloud computing (from BusinessTechFeed), which attracted a number […]

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Randomness, Virtualisation and Getting Things Done

This may be random. For once, I am speechless. Or at least wordless. You know me. That doesn’t happen. Ever. I might go quiet, but that is different from not having something to say. Perhaps it is all the different threads in my head? There are big Redcatco projects in the wings, new blogs to […]

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The 9th Habit of Highly Effective People – Look after your data!

Stephen Covey has already published the The 8th Habit, so I’ll have to put this down as the 9th habit of highly effective people. These days we have more knowledge than we can comfortably fit in our heads, so we depend on our trusty computers to keep all of that overflowing information safe. From important e-mails, to irreplaceable family photos, […]

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WordCampUK, Communities and Goops

  This has happened before, but this ‘goops‘ is rather timely. What’s a ‘goops’? It’s my favourite term for semantic/contextual errors: Searching without sufficient attention to context. Let’s say I’m looking for information on Birmingham. I might head over to Google and do a search on ‘Birmingham’. If I’m after a picture, I could click […]

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Open Learning – Determined People with Tenacious Goals

The Open University learning environment is a technology-mediated communication role model. Even so, the OU still brings learners together for ‘real-world’ events. That has been the reason for a no blog posts this last week – I have been working my little socks off at Bath University, conducting research projects with a few hundred other people. I […]

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July Top 10 and Wrap Up

There is one consistent item on the editorial calendar of the WOWNDADI Blog: The end of month round up. Reviewing is a great productivity habit and sometimes it can be fun too. This month’s certainly has been! Some highlights: MediaCamp London and lunches with the Social Media Mafia. TechCrunch Pitch! My signature low-light photography turned up on TechCrunch […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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