The Blog / Benjamin

Never Loose Your Voice Again – It’s Your Future

My last visit to the Tuttle Club was unexpectedly fruitful. After the crowds had cleared, Spinvox lead a very thought provoking session on “The Future of Voice”. It touched on many things that are dear to my heart. I have been involved in communications technology for over 30 years, and in that time much has changed. However, all my reminiscing about acoustic couplers and the founders of Apple inc hacking phone networks is pushed to the back of my mind as I think about the future ahead.

Today I can pick up a phone and call anyone I know, anywhere on the planet. Many of us have known no different all our lives.

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Keeping Notes and Hiring Good People

I like to gather information into piles – adding bits to each pile as I discover things, or as they occur to me. I use a combination of notes in outlook (a habit from my Windows Mobile PDA days) and a personal wiki. One day I’ll turn some of those piles into a book or […]

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The Complete Bounds of Our Social Networks – Part II

As implied by the “part I” in The Complete Bounds of Our Social Networks – Part I, there is a part II, and this is it… Having looked at the research around Dunbar’s number, it strikes me that social media and the modern workplace face a number of challenges, but first, let’s rewind a few […]

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The Complete Bounds of Our Social Networks – Part I

I have been pondering the ideal size of a community of late – be it a company (successful companies are communities too), a circle of friends or the user base for a wiki or a forum. Of course, I am not the first to ponder the question, nor will I be the last. Paul Graham […]

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April top 10

Hail is falling outside as I write this, pinging off of the office window. It may be May, but clearly no-one thought to tell the British weather that – snow in April? A quick pause to look back at April shows that it has been a prolific month on the blog, with 14 posts and […]

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Social Creatures in Need of Social Software

I was going to leave this as a comment on Luke’s blog, but it got a little too long. Luke’s post “Stone age brains and the social web” is based on the “All In The Mind” podcast episode “Stone Age brains in 21st century skulls.” Luke’s blog provides some great insights on user experience, and the Australian “All In The Mind” podcast features interviews with a diverse range of Psychologists. This is a bit of a woven path, but it is interesting when it comes together. Hopefully you can see where this is going – If you can, hold on to the wheel.

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Happenstance and productivity

I’ve been tussling with the issue of happenstance recently. Let me explain. Happenstance has become, for me, a word to describe the happy accidents that are a valuable and pleasurable part of making unexpected progress. Happenings that came from coincidence, rather than from planning. The random circumstances where things ‘just work out’. I think you […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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