The Blog / Benjamin

How to Deal With Being Overwhelmed at Work 2

WOWNDADI is on top of the world. Well, Alltop specifically, sitting on the alltop lifehacks page, together with some familiar names. Not everyone is feeling on top of the world though. Apparently the UK has a crisis of management, with a lack of people with the skills to motivate and manage staff. It probably isn’t […]

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Seth Godin on Meatball Sundaes

Seth Godin’s books are compulsory reading for any marketer. His latest, Meatball Sundae, is stuck in my inbox, behind a few textbooks. So, I found a way to get it to jump the queue, courtesy of SF Entrepreneur who hosted a call with Seth, which I joined just now. I don’t agree with everything Seth says, but…

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10 Things Not To Do In Business PowerPoint Presentation

I haven’t mentioned PowerPoint or presenting in a while, potentially because I am increasingly speaking without the use of slides these days. However, a recent trade show visit put it firmly back on my radar, as I took to the stage and also caught some other speakers. Needless to say, the trip spawned a top […]

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Want to Get More Things Done? Go Ahead and Stick Your Head in a Bucket!

Unusual productivity advice, but it will make sense. It all came home to me editing some CSS code. CSS, or cascading style sheets, are what make the web look pretty.

In the early days of the web there was very little control over how things ended up on the page. HTML – hypertext mark up language – allowed some basic control, like adding titles and marking text bold, but basically things ended up all over the place. Hold that thought, because I’ll come back to it.

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March Wrap up…

I’m some what hesitant to post on April the 1st, for fear of not being taken seriously! However, it is past midday here, so rest assured that this is the normal end of the month wrap up post – with no artificially added jests.

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Power up your business with a Wiki

Reading a recent post on David Tebbutt’s blog – You calling me a consultant? – took me to: What’s the real value of social software in enterprise from Adriana Lukas, which leads us to this post…

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Learning Your Way to a Better Memory

One of the great things about David Alan’s Getting Things Done (aka GTD) is that you don’t have to remember anything. “Get it out of your head” David says. My memory has improved since I started using GTD to keep my head clear. If you are using GTD, you’re not using your memory for trivia […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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