Get out of the groove…

It is the little things that are often the most provoking. Seth posted on his blog: Creativity and the unexpected Just because it’s on the menu, doesn’t mean you have to order it. One sentence that triggers hundreds of thoughts. In the food context it jars at little, but take the concept to the work […]

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What’s Your Problem?

Questions can be very powerful. As a society, we talk more than we listen and we tell more than we ask. Five examples, just from today: People trying to answer a question before it was fully asked (and yes, would you believe it, they did answer the wrong question). People answering the question they wanted […]

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The 3 Stages of Mastery

I’ve written about learning before, but in musing about the ‘mastery’ of a skill or profession, something came back to me. It was something that I heard in the days when I was heavily into music production, desperately trying to get ‘that sound’. A wise old professional at the time said to me “there are […]

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Miss Educating a Nation

This week the UK government announced changes to the school curriculum. A radical shake up to deal with the new knowledge economy? Not quite. The coverage over at the BBC spins it well, spin being the appropriate term. The launch was at that great institute of learning, Lord’s Cricket ground. Spinning cricket balls and spun […]

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The Power of a New Perspective

I’ve said it before, but it bears saying again: If you are stuck or struggling, find a new perspective. Take a look at things from a different angle, in a different context, create a new perspective for yourself. It loosens up the mind, creating new thoughts and a different set of emotions. Taking a different […]

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Wow! A head full of ideas this week. Lots to consolidate, and the only way to do that is to write… I was listening to a presentation by Zig Ziglar (I think the guy is amazing by the way! I hope I am that energetic at his age – check him out in action if […]

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Have an iron will – be determined

Still reading through Pushing to the Front… Chapter 3 is another feast of inspiring quotes. Key take aways and thoughts for me: “when a firm decisive spirit is recognized, it is curious to see how the space clears around a man and leaves him room and freedom” John Foster Strong will power will take you […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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