Ready. Aim. Focus. What’s the point?

What is the value of focus? Why have a mission? Should you set goals for yourself? I’ll warn you now, I  this is a long one, but you’ll get something good out of it I am sure! In the beginning At the start of my career I was trained as a teacher, a domain where […]

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The Now Habit – Dealing with Procrastination

Now, I was going to read a book on procrastination, but I kept putting it off. It would be funny if it wasn’t true! Procrastination is a major issue in modern life, just check out where you’ll find there over 14,000 people who are trying to stop procrastinating – a veritable hive of habit breaking […]

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Watch out for the frogs!

Something I keep stumbling across is the idea of eating a frog for breakfast! It really isn’t as bad as it sounds. At home we even have a poster above the breakfast table that is a big picture of a frog with the caption “What’s your frog today?”. Eating frogs is all over the blogosphere: […]

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Shaken, not stirred! First things first…

Well, it is obviously one of those months! I was involved in a fairly serious crash this week. Two days later, I revisited the scene of the accident and realised that I came within 20 feet of death, or at least certain major injuries. As it happens I did get away with no major injuries, […]

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Letting Go

I wrote on Christmas eve about “One Ends Another One Begins” – about somethings ending so that you can start others. That is the decision point. The crunch comes when the decision becomes an action. Decisions don’t really impact the world until they are actions. Faith without works is dead – why? Because you don’t […]

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Pause for Thought – The Three Second Rule

I’ve been quiet for a few days, as I have had an enforced pause. An international flight ran into problems, and I ended up with 8 hours of the night stranded in an empty airport, away from connectivity and most of my belongings. Pauses are powerful things. Time to reflect. To think. Time to realise. […]

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A good tool is hard to find!

I am a great fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done methodology. Even though I don’t really strictly use it myself I highly recommend it. One of the challenges of being a creative thinker (or a classic procrastinator!) is that you can end up with a huge to do list that becomes very hard to […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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