The Social Side of Search – WolframAlpha Wikis Google and Twitter

You can’t so much as sneeze on the web at the moment without hearing about Wolfram Alpha – it is a veritable Swine Flu of the Interwebs – lots of noise, but very hard to sift out real facts. Wolfram Alpha describes its long-term goal as “[making] all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone.” Smells like […]

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Change From Within

We want to change things, it is in our very nature to want to make change. But change isn’t an easy thing. Managing change is so complex that you can take whole degree courses in it. That said, there are some fundamental principles that unlock it.

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Too Late To Learn?

Tortoises. That’s it. Tortoises. We all need to be like tortoises. I’ve been listening to what John Cleese has to say in the video clip here, which is what got me thinking about them. I have to admit, it wasn’t where I started thinking. You might not associate tortoises with creativity or learning, but they […]

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A Blogging Mirror

Now here’s a brilliant concept, via Ross Mason: A blogging mirror – you talk it blogs! Ross Mason’s twitter message caught my eye because I had been pondering the use of blogs as a mirror – a personal diary to reflect back on previous thoughts and opinions. A way of seeing yourself, or your organisation, with the perspective […]

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Love the Gaps

Interstitial time is a wonderful thing, used wisely. In today’s action-packed world, gaps and pauses are increasingly rare things. A gap in a market often signals an opportunity, although sometimes the gap is there for a good reason. Either there isn’t a demand, or the economics don’t work out. Gaps between projects or jobs can be […]

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Pitching A Business – TechCrunchTalk

This week’s TechCrunch event was a rare treat: 8 European startups pitching. TechCruncheMike Butcher gave the start ups 90 seconds to pitch their business. The ‘Tech Factor’ panel then responded to the pitch – in very civilised way. Finally the pitcher had 10 seconds to even the score… Erm… I mean clarify their pitch. I […]

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Going Hyper-Local – Location Based Internet

Over the last year I’ve been playing with a number of location based services. I should explain my fascination, since it is even stranger than you think. Way back when I first encountered communications networks I was gripped by the way they enabled me to reach across geographies. Suddenly I could speak with people all […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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