ThinkingRock is 2 good!

I’m absolutely buzzing today; I’ve started using ThinkingRock Version 2 on my mac. Having an effective tool to track what needs doing is critical to living successfully; ThinkingRock is that tool for me – see: a good tool is hard to find and get laddered with ThinkingRock. For those new to ThinkingRock, you might want […]

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Do something different, for a change!

I’m reflecting back on this week and on this year, being another year older. What have I learnt? My big take away for the moment is this: A change of context is the quickest way to change your thinking. Do you remember me loosing my car recently (shaken, not stirred)? I had a different replacement […]

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Chasing Mice and Eating Elephants

Following on from the discussion about planned abandonment, there was an interesting post over on Ron Martoia’s velocityculture blog, where he talked about hunting elephants rather than mice, with the follow on comment by Ron: “…focused on and how do you align time, energy, creativity and any other resource to the accomplishing of that mission. […]

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Pause for Thought – The Three Second Rule

I’ve been quiet for a few days, as I have had an enforced pause. An international flight ran into problems, and I ended up with 8 hours of the night stranded in an empty airport, away from connectivity and most of my belongings. Pauses are powerful things. Time to reflect. To think. Time to realise. […]

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A good tool is hard to find!

I am a great fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done methodology. Even though I don’t really strictly use it myself I highly recommend it. One of the challenges of being a creative thinker (or a classic procrastinator!) is that you can end up with a huge to do list that becomes very hard to […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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