The Blog / marketing

Business to Business Marketing – The b2bhuddle Event

This is from a  Storify created via an iPad (if you haven’t used Storify before, do check it out – it’s a great way to curate content from across social platforms). I’ve used it to pick out some key tweets from the May 2013 b2bhuddle Event. It was the 6th B2B Social Media Huddle, hosted at Oracle’s building in […]

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Facebook Pages – can business learn from musicians?

I’ve been thinking about this recently as I’ve found myself in a new musical collaboration and have set up a Facebook page as our first port of call. I’m slightly potty about music, especially new music, so I follow a fair few myself, Facebook pages that is, and I know what works for me. What […]

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Social Business – Beyond Social Commercials

At the end of 2011, during an interview at the Social Workplace Conference, in London one of the questions posed to me was “what conversations would you like to be having about social media in the work place in 24 months time?” Well, it’s twelve months on, so it’s an interesting checkpoint to see what sort of conversations […]

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The Social Media Business Case?

Yesterday I joined Steve Lamb, Neville Hobson and a host of speakers at Dell’s B2B Social Media Huddle event. It’s always a bit nerve wracking taking to the stage after Neville and Steve, but good for getting the mental juices going – this time about making the business case for social media. Business cases discussions seem […]

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The Social Media Expert – Wicked Problems And Failure

Twitter played host to a passionate discussion about social media experts earlier this week, kicked off by a blog post:  6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Brand Yourself as a Social Media Expert by Dan Schawbel, who describes himself as “the leading personal branding expert for Gen-Y” – reading the post I would say he’s wrong on […]

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Three Reasons Free Will Eat Itself

It’s the meme that wouldn’t die, but die it should… Last week I attended the Chinwag Live ‘Freeconomics’ session in London, and not long before that I listened to Guy Kawasaki interviewing Chris Anderson at South by South West. While Chris dodged Guy’s low-ball questions out at SXSWi, and focussed on promoting his new book (which may […]

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On-line Trust, More than Liking

This post might be a little heavy going, but the topics are important in understanding how we can be (and are) manipulated, and how businesses can (and should) go about building trust in an on-line, social media driven world. Last week I attended the Wealth of Networks conference, looking at the challenges of Next Generation […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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