The Blog / techniques

Pitching A Business – TechCrunchTalk

This week’s TechCrunch event was a rare treat: 8 European startups pitching. TechCruncheMike Butcher gave the start ups 90 seconds to pitch their business. The ‘Tech Factor’ panel then responded to the pitch – in very civilised way. Finally the pitcher had 10 seconds to even the score… Erm… I mean clarify their pitch. I […]

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Larry Lessig – Copyright and Great Presenting

I’m a regular follower of TED, watching as many of the TED talks as my Mac can take. The talks range from inspirational to informative, and sometimes they are both. Larry Lessig’s recently posted TED talk is fascinating, both for its content and for the way that he uses slides in his presentation. It was […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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