The Blog / TED

Brain Food

Long-time readers will know that I am a bit of a TED fanatic. I’d love to get the best of the UK’s brains together for an affordable, UK version of TED. I’ve met so many talented, world-changing people over the last year. I’d love to get them up on a stage. One day, one day. It will happen. In the mean-time…

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The Month that was January – Top 10 posts

Time for the regular “end of month” summary post, all be it a few days into February. The last couple of months have been packed with meeting brilliant new people, for all sorts of different reasons. Photographers, speakers, designers and others have all given me new perspectives and a stronger appreciation of their talents, and […]

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Too Much Choice – Too Little Happiness

These Things Come in Threes Three things in two days. First, I loose contact with my phone. Second, my MacBook Pro dies. Then, in a third and final twist, traffic on the blog increased by 2000% (yes, two thousand) and I get locked out of WordPress. Coincidence? Of course. I got a free lesson in […]

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A Presentation Lesson From Al Gore

You may remember that I am a big TED fan (not the cuddly animal – the amazing conference). Digging thought the archives recently, I rediscovered this gem from Al Gore. He has become a powerful communicator and this is a fine example. Here are some key things that he does, that you can do too:

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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