The YouTube Generation and Accountability

I think there are a huge number of exciting things about new technology and the web 2.0 world, but there are also some sad losses. We have automated and improved daily life to the point where we have free time and communications ability that previous generations could hardly have dreamed of.

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Ever wondered why there is so much coincidence? Seth Godin blogged about some he experienced recently. The answer is simple… It is because sometimes we make it for ourselves, let me introduce Gestalt Psychology. Gestalt Psychology (nothing to do with the therapy of the same name) basically says that the brain tries to make sense […]

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IM or E-mail? How to get your point across?

When working with others, good communication is a critical part of getting things done. Blackberry, instant messaging, e-mail, poor phones, all give the illusion of great communication, but sometimes they can actually take it away. There are some simple ways to put it back. This was all sparked by an interesting post over on Web […]

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e-mailing your way to oblivion

Is it just me, or are e-mail and productivity at work just two things that don’t belong in the same sentence together? I find it amazing that companies invest so much money in deploying e-mail systems and yet spend nothing on training people to communicate effectively with them. Perhaps you work in a company that […]

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Who’s on First?

For me, Who’s on First? by Abbott and Costello is a classic piece of script: In all the confusion, it is actually a good remembering that who, what, when and where are very good questions for working out what needs doing! When asked in the right way. Simple questions that bring the clarity needed […]

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Winning battles – starting with the inbox

I’m a great believer in systems and analysis. In fact I think the whole world is one big interconnected system… But that’s a story for another day. One of the systems that is the biggest challenge to working out what needs doing and doing it is the email inbox. In most companies the email inbox […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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