Get out of the groove…

It is the little things that are often the most provoking. Seth posted on his blog: Creativity and the unexpected Just because it’s on the menu, doesn’t mean you have to order it. One sentence that triggers hundreds of thoughts. In the food context it jars at little, but take the concept to the work […]

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The Power of a New Perspective

I’ve said it before, but it bears saying again: If you are stuck or struggling, find a new perspective. Take a look at things from a different angle, in a different context, create a new perspective for yourself. It loosens up the mind, creating new thoughts and a different set of emotions. Taking a different […]

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…No chance

My notes from Chapter 2 of Orison Swett Marden’s brilliant “Pushing to the front” – “The Boys with no chance”. It is not every calamity that is a curse, and early adversity is often a blessing. Surmounted difficulties not only teach, but hearten us in our future struggles – SHARPE A poor start can lead […]

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Get off to a good start

It seems that it is always the most simple things that are the most profound. A top tip from Seth’s Blog today: Show up, on time, with a smile on your face. Does it really count more than what you do or say? Seth says: Showing up on time… …with a smile on your face […]

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Do something different, for a change!

I’m reflecting back on this week and on this year, being another year older. What have I learnt? My big take away for the moment is this: A change of context is the quickest way to change your thinking. Do you remember me loosing my car recently (shaken, not stirred)? I had a different replacement […]

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Chasing Mice and Eating Elephants

Following on from the discussion about planned abandonment, there was an interesting post over on Ron Martoia’s velocityculture blog, where he talked about hunting elephants rather than mice, with the follow on comment by Ron: “…focused on and how do you align time, energy, creativity and any other resource to the accomplishing of that mission. […]

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Ready. Aim. Focus. What’s the point?

What is the value of focus? Why have a mission? Should you set goals for yourself? I’ll warn you now, I  this is a long one, but you’ll get something good out of it I am sure! In the beginning At the start of my career I was trained as a teacher, a domain where […]

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