A WINning strategy for productivity

I can’t remember where I heard it, it was a long time ago, but someone talked to me about WINning – WIN – What’s Important right Now. Picking the most important thing to do right now, and focusing on it, 100%. It is a little like Covey’s First Things First habit. The challenge, of course, […]

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Did you mean to do that?

“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” Peter F. Drucker This is key to avoiding the ‘activity’ or the ‘productivity’ trap. I have met – in real life and virtually – many people who are focussed on getting more and more things done. They read books […]

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Get out of the groove…

It is the little things that are often the most provoking. Seth posted on his blog: Creativity and the unexpected Just because it’s on the menu, doesn’t mean you have to order it. One sentence that triggers hundreds of thoughts. In the food context it jars at little, but take the concept to the work […]

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How to Deal with Being Overwhelmed at Work

People are increasingly overwhelmed by their work I confess it happens to me sometimes. So, how do you avoid it and what do you do about it when it happens? There are a set of practical steps that you can take to get back on track. Follow this list and get back on top of […]

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The Power of a New Perspective

I’ve said it before, but it bears saying again: If you are stuck or struggling, find a new perspective. Take a look at things from a different angle, in a different context, create a new perspective for yourself. It loosens up the mind, creating new thoughts and a different set of emotions. Taking a different […]

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Frogs, Gnats, Butterflies and Gems.

It has been a long while since I wrote my original Watch out for the frogs post (you might want to read that first if you missed it), which was picked up on lifehack.org. It has been fun to see the post translated into more than half a dozen languages, referenced in seminars, and read […]

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Information at your finger tips – in a way that sounds good! (More uses for an iPod!)

I’ve just realised that I am a recovered addict! Over the last year I have managed to cure myself of my addiction to new gadgets. When I started my quest for productivity, I saw gadgets and tools as the answer, so it feels ironic that I have been lead away from them, I am a […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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