Getting Started with GTD

The buzz of a new year is still in the air! With that buzz is a crowd of people making fresh starts and striving to stick to new year’s resolutions – some more recklessly made than others. A larger than usual number of friends and fellows are getting started with David Allen’s Getting Things Done, […]

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Never Loose Another Thought Again!

There is one simple habit that has revolutionised every day, since the first day that I adopted it. The habit costs almost nothing, takes very little time and reduces the mental load of today’s high-speed, high-tech life. It also increases mental productivity and creativity.

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Have a Break – Have a Nap

I hope you manage to fit in some relaxation over the Christmas break. Life seems more and more frenetic, which means breaks and pauses are all the more appreciated when they do happen. A chance to recharge the mental batteries; to connect with friends and family and to reflect on the year that was. As […]

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A Little Bit of Philosophy Really Does Make You Smart

This is a follow up from a post in February of this year – A little bit of philosophy makes you smart… – about the effect of teaching primary school children thinking skills.

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10 Tips To Gain You a Better 08

This is my 100th post and it is also the first anniversary of the WOWNDADI blog. It is only the 12th of December, but I’ve already been scooped on the first end of year review post for 2007, in my RSS feeds that honour goes to Chris Garrett for his great post on the 80/20 […]

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Blocking FaceBook Manages What?

Computer Weekly arrived in my inbox today, with the front page nearly all about businesses blocking access to Facebook, because of employees time-wasting. I am sure they have run this story before, but I was more provoked by it this time around. For background, I have worked both in companies that would definitely block Facebook […]

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5 Ways to Reduce the Stress of Choice

As I was saying, too much choice can lead to too little happiness, but the psychology can be turned around. Thank you Melanie for the recent great comment, your “so this is progress” post nails so many of today’s technology overload issues on the head. Technology should make us more productive and efficient, not less. […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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