Learning Your Way to a Better Memory

One of the great things about David Alan’s Getting Things Done (aka GTD) is that you don’t have to remember anything. “Get it out of your head” David says. My memory has improved since I started using GTD to keep my head clear. If you are using GTD, you’re not using your memory for trivia […]

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The Rather Complex Issue of Identity

It has been a great week, I have done lots of things and met lots of people. However, I haven’t blogged, and I feel the poorer for it. Writing is gradually becoming a part of my identity. This post is with thanks to Ann Michael of Manage to Change and Liz Strauss of Successful Blog, […]

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Too Much Choice – Too Little Happiness

These Things Come in Threes Three things in two days. First, I loose contact with my phone. Second, my MacBook Pro dies. Then, in a third and final twist, traffic on the blog increased by 2000% (yes, two thousand) and I get locked out of WordPress. Coincidence? Of course. I got a free lesson in […]

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Understanding the reality of the situation – Part II

(Continued from Part I) Where were we? Ah, yes! Understanding the reality of the situation. There are so many different challenges raised by this, I feel that I am only at the beginning. However, just one more post, then back to thoughts around to do lists, with some exciting breakthroughs on ThinkingRock. I think the […]

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Do something different, for a change!

I’m reflecting back on this week and on this year, being another year older. What have I learnt? My big take away for the moment is this: A change of context is the quickest way to change your thinking. Do you remember me loosing my car recently (shaken, not stirred)? I had a different replacement […]

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Ever wondered why there is so much coincidence? Seth Godin blogged about some he experienced recently. The answer is simple… It is because sometimes we make it for ourselves, let me introduce Gestalt Psychology. Gestalt Psychology (nothing to do with the therapy of the same name) basically says that the brain tries to make sense […]

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The Now Habit – Dealing with Procrastination

Now, I was going to read a book on procrastination, but I kept putting it off. It would be funny if it wasn’t true! Procrastination is a major issue in modern life, just check out 43things.com where you’ll find there over 14,000 people who are trying to stop procrastinating – a veritable hive of habit breaking […]

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Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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