The Blog / mission

Where Are You Going? Vision, Mission and Values – Part IV – Values

I remember my first trip to Sweden. As I was driven from the airport to Stockholm, I remember seeing these really tall, bright posts in the ground on either side of the road. I wasn’t sure what they were all about. Some months later, I returned. With the snow falling fast, and already so thick […]

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Where Are You Going? Vision, Mission and Values – Part III – Mission

Following on from Part I and Part II – Vision, what is the mission statement? The mission statement springs out of a clear vision statement. It plots the course towards the vision, describing the nature of what has to be done to get to there. It should address at least medium turn. A mission statement […]

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Where Are You Going? Vision, Mission and Values – Part II – Vision

There are a number of different ways to arrive at a mission statement. I’ve always found the easiest first step is to clarify your vision. Where is it that you plan to go? As well as being one of Covey’s seven habits, beginning with the end in mind is the basis for all good planning. […]

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Where Are You Going? Vision, Mission and Values – Part I

Strategically Speaking Serendipity is putting mission and strategy in the middle of my world. They are curiously emotive terms, dividing people into either cynics or firm believers in a single breath. My passion for strategic planning has caused me to dig into these topics many times over the years. I firmly believe that you get […]

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Mission Vision and Value – On Purpose

Kate of Blog to Discovery and Stephen of HD BizBlog started this one off. Stephen and I exchanged emails and though this would be a great carnival topic to raise awareness and provoke some more discussion and debate, and I am 26 minutes late with my post! Most companies have a vision and mission statement, […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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