The Blog / productivity

iPod to Go – The iPod as a GTD capture device

My personal mission to increase productivity, by decreasing the number of gadgets I use, took a sideways step recently. Since I started listening to podcasts, lectures and audio books, my iPod nano has become a fairly central part of my life. Now my new companion has even started listening to me, resulting in an even […]

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A WINning strategy for productivity

I can’t remember where I heard it, it was a long time ago, but someone talked to me about WINning – WIN – What’s Important right Now. Picking the most important thing to do right now, and focusing on it, 100%. It is a little like Covey’s First Things First habit. The challenge, of course, […]

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Dealing with the Do Its That Just Don’t Get Done

The big problem with getting good at building to do lists, is that you end up with long lists of things to be done! The list just seems to keep on growing and growing. There are lots of reasons that can happen and lots of ways to deal with it. Recently I had noticed a […]

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Planned Abandonment – Having an end at the beginning

I have to confess, I am not great at saying ‘no’ and I don’t like giving up on things. I have always thought of ‘no’ as an ugly word, but the more I read, the more my mind is changed. When it comes to doing things, ‘no’ and ‘yes’ go together. If you say ‘yes’ […]

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e-mailing your way to oblivion

Is it just me, or are e-mail and productivity at work just two things that don’t belong in the same sentence together? I find it amazing that companies invest so much money in deploying e-mail systems and yet spend nothing on training people to communicate effectively with them. Perhaps you work in a company that […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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