You’re Having a Laugh Aren’t You?

I recently spent an action packed, laughter-filled weekend with Jack Milner, on his stand-up comedy course. The course was held at Diorama Arts in London, pictured here. Even the trees outside it are comic. Yes, they are 20 foot off of the ground! I’m always looking to push my presentation and speaking skills, and Jack […]

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Remembering to Plan Ahead

Isn’t it amazing the return we can get on our time? Well, sometimes it is. I was at the virtual worlds forum hosted SXSWi event last night. It was an interesting insight into a different world, quite literally. If you want to get a feel for what Virtual World technology can do, then check out […]

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Wikipedia – A Means not an End

It was one of Seth Godin’s posts that kicked this thought chain off. I’m a regular follower of his blog, and normally I nod sagely at his wisdom, but for once I’m shaking my head furiously. Why? Because of the wikipedia gap. I’m thinking of it more as a chasm. I have recently restarted academic […]

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Their Problems are not Your Problems

They say things come in threes. I don’t know why they say that, but they do. For me, today it was three blog posts:

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A Time To…

I have been flattening the battery of my iPod listening to the title track from Stevie Wonder’s new album, A Time 2 Love. It is a wonderful song, featuring India.Arie, with potent lyrics about the things that we find time for, and the important things that we don’t. It started me thinking that making time […]

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Did you mean to do that?

“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” Peter F. Drucker This is key to avoiding the ‘activity’ or the ‘productivity’ trap. I have met – in real life and virtually – many people who are focussed on getting more and more things done. They read books […]

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Something to ponder…

The simple things are often the most powerful, take focus for example. Pause and think about this for a few minutes: If you could choose just one change you could make in your life, what would it be? What would the result of that change be? What is stopping you making that change?

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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