Benjamin’s Back!

An apt title for Easter. So, I’m back from my first off-line-time of the year to find one of my posts picked up on! A few thousand extra hits on the blog, links, comments and messages from as far afield as Japan and India. A very pleasant Easter present, thank you guys! I think […]

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Bang Goes March and The First Law of Blogging

How about this for the first law of blogging? “The number of blog posts is inversely proportional to the number of things going off in the blogger’s life”. I am hoping for some semblance of order to start to return by the end of this week, so that I can finish off a couple of […]

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See yourself on reflection

At the start of my career, early on in my professional education, I was trained to be a reflective practioner. This turned out to be a great foundation. Since then I have spent much of my working life in “two strikes and you’re out” corporate cultures, where it is ok to make a mistake, but […]

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Understanding the reality of the situation – Part I

Many transformational leaders talk about the importance of understanding the reality of the situation, from CEOs to life coaches. It is a foundational leadership skill, but not an easy one to acquire. A solid understanding of the mechanics of situational information is an essential tool for working out what needs doing and doing it, especially […]

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Being organised – the wiki way

I have been playing with an exciting new tool today – the bLADE wiki. In the last few years Wikis have been revolutionizing knowledge management for me, but I hadn’t been able to find a wiki for PocketPC with the ability to synchronise with the desktop, until now. A big thank you to aedjp for […]

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Overwhelmed by the to do list? Get back on track and stay on track

I have to confess that I am a bit of a recovering to do list addict. I’m not sure which bit of me is, but I do know that I used to have a to do list with hundreds of items on it. I almost had a sense of pride in the length of my […]

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What does success look like? Start with the end.

Often the simplest things can be the most transformational; you can get hold of them and implement them. Here is a swift way to deal with procrastination, division and overload in one go. It starts with a question… “What does success look like?” I worked for a leader who started every activity with this question. […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.


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