The Blog / twitter

Facebook Pages – can business learn from musicians?

I’ve been thinking about this recently as I’ve found myself in a new musical collaboration and have set up a Facebook page as our first port of call. I’m slightly potty about music, especially new music, so I follow a fair few myself, Facebook pages that is, and I know what works for me. What […]

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The Power of Crowds – We Will Gather

One area that Social Media has revolutionised more than any other is crowdsourcing. It was one of the communication shifts that prompted the foundation of Redcatco, and was the topic of my talk at the first Social Media in Business event in the UK. At the time the focus was on sourcing information and ideas; […]

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Social Business – Beyond Social Commercials

At the end of 2011, during an interview at the Social Workplace Conference, in London one of the questions posed to me was “what conversations would you like to be having about social media in the work place in 24 months time?” Well, it’s twelve months on, so it’s an interesting checkpoint to see what sort of conversations […]

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It’s The Phone – Even in Crisis Comms

Back in June I wrote a post: “Twitter to Replace the Phone?”  – suggesting that Twitter isn’t just  another marketing channel, but it is a communications channel that may end up as important as the phone. It looks like that has come to pass faster than I had imagined. This post has loitered in drafts, […]

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In Search of the Habitat Intern

It seems an age since posting about Habitat UK’s mis-steps into Twitter. Since that post, Habit have apologised – although not yet on the place where the deed was done: Their @habitatuk twitter account. One of the big differences between “traditional” media and social media is the almost infinite bandwidth of the later. Whilst mainstream […]

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Tweetcamp London – Beyond 140 Characters

The recent Tweetcamp event was organised by Farhan Rehman (@farhan), Dees Chinniah (@cyberdees), and Jon Bishop (@jonin60seconds), I just ran around with a microphone on the day, and chatted with Farhan before hand!  It was far from being another BarCamp. While  many familiar faces from the social media space came along, it also reached people who […]

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Creating a Bad Social Media Habitat

The Campaign That Went Oops… The @habitatuk Twitter account looks all nice and shiny today, but that isn’t how it started out for the UK retailer. Last week an account in their name started spewing messages about their Spring/Summer collection, but tagged with random keywords from Twitter’s trending topics items. It isn’t a great mental […]

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About Benjamin

Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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