August Top 10 and Review!

August is traditionally holiday season across the northern hemisphere. How was yours? I did sneak a break in, camera in hand, but other than that it was an active month. Glancing around the blogs, those interested in cloud computing might appreciate Nailing down the Cloud – A Definition for cloud computing (from BusinessTechFeed), which attracted a number […]

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July Top 10 and Wrap Up

There is one consistent item on the editorial calendar of the WOWNDADI Blog: The end of month round up. Reviewing is a great productivity habit and sometimes it can be fun too. This month’s certainly has been! Some highlights: MediaCamp London and lunches with the Social Media Mafia. TechCrunch Pitch! My signature low-light photography turned up on TechCrunch […]

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June Top 10 Links and the Month Ahead

For this month, I’m putting a slight twist on the usual top 10 post: I am going to split it between the Top 5 posts here on WOWNDADI and my favorite 5 posts from blogs that mentioned the blog. Most Popular Posts in the Last 30 Days It’s the User Experience as much as the Technology! Apple, […]

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May Top 10 Blog Posts

May in the UK is always an interesting time – two bank holidays, a school half-term and pseudo random British weather all synthesize into a zigzag journey. The highlight of the month was attending NESTA’s Innovation Edge 08event, as you can see from the posts (Gordon Brown attracted lots of comments, as did Tim Berners-Lee).

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April top 10

Hail is falling outside as I write this, pinging off of the office window. It may be May, but clearly no-one thought to tell the British weather that – snow in April? A quick pause to look back at April shows that it has been a prolific month on the blog, with 14 posts and […]

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March Wrap up…

I’m some what hesitant to post on April the 1st, for fear of not being taken seriously! However, it is past midday here, so rest assured that this is the normal end of the month wrap up post – with no artificially added jests.

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February Top 10 and Round Up

A leap year, and a surprise extra day in February. What did you do with your extra day in February? I had the day off. Well, not quite. I helped a couple of friends, caught up on some sleep. I also read some academic papers on learning and development. Perhaps I should get out more? […]

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Find Benjamin on twtter, LinkedIn or his personal blog: Benjamin Ellis on the Web.

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